Online Certificate Course  – Introduction to Research Writing training course for Somali Women

Somalia Gender Hub offered Somali female students and emerging researchers an online certificate training course on Introduction to Research Writing. (12-04-2021)

Online Workshop  – Creative Writing in COVID-19 Times

In Collaboration with Puntland Women Writers Association and Chambers of Somali Writers, Somalia Gender Hub had organized an International online Creative Writing Workshop that focused on the impact of COVID-19.

Online Certificate Course  – Research Writing in the Social Sciences

Somalia Gender Hub  collaborated with AuthorAID at INASP to offer Somali students and emerging researchers (women and men) an online certificate course on Research Writing in the Social Sciences. (06-04-2020)

Keynote speech – Somali Diaspora Women as Invisible Actors

This is Sahra Ahmed Koshin, Founder of Somalia Gender Hub who gave a key note speech in the third online webinar on how Somali diaspora women can be invisible actors for development organized by HIRDA partnership with IOM. (30-10-2020)

Launching Ceremony Somalia Gender Hub

Launching Ceremony Somalia Gender Hub

Sahra Ahmed Koshin who is a researcher at Somalia Gender Hub was launching a ceremony For Somalia Gender Hub. 

Training for Somali Women

Sahra Ahmed Koshin who is the founder of Somalia Gender Hub organized together with her team a Peacefull Training for Somali. 

Community invited to participate 

The community, both women and men, young boys and girls were invited to participate during the launching ceremony of Somalia Gender Hub.